Monday, 16 January 2012

You're never too old to learn...

Think back to last year for a moment if you will, and my struggles learning how to crochet; I am delighted to say that after 30+ years I finally "get it". Not all of it, I haven't worked out how to follow those complicated diagrams, but I can make stuff using crochet! So here is the beginning od a crochet project. This insignificant square is about 3" square.

Here he is joined together with lots of his mates, all exactly the same as him. I decided that once I had the basics what I needed to do was just repeat, repeat, repeat the process so it would finally stay in my brain. This pattern requires 432 squares, all the same, in 24 rows of 18! This is just the first 8 rows, a long way to go but if you look at it from a different angle I am a third of the way there already!

Just a close up showing the first two rows crocheted all together. One of my resolutions is to enter a country show a la Kirsty; maybe this will be my crocheted item....

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1 comment:

Tinkertaylor said...

Congratulations I have only ever managed to crochet what could only be descibed as a knot! This should knock spots off Kirsty's effort.