Thursday, 29 September 2011

LSNED Day 25

Today's lesson was to think about something we are greatful for. I have always known how to knit and sew, I don't remember ever being taught but I know that obviously I did have to learn sometime! My Grandad was a tailor; he had the biggest hands, and he taught me to sew with a machine when I was about 7 using an old hand machine. Mum taught me to hand sew and my Nana taught me to knit with Mum helping me when I got stuck and Nana wasn't there. I have recently re-discovered sewing and am just so thankful that I know what to do when lots of my friends are just learning. I also learnt how to increase in a purl stitch today! It is something I just never knew and today Mum told me "you purl into the BACK first, then the front". So simple and now learnt I won't forget it.
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1 comment:

Linda said...

woohoo for sewing and knitting!