Ok, I admit, I am a Royalist. To be fair, considering my hubby was employed by them for 22 years it would be odd for me to be anything else, so I have been very excited about today! I had some spare bunting from school so there is a bit outside my bedroom window (we have a little balcony thingy) and this in the lounge.

This was the table all layed up ready for our celebration tea, using my Grandmothers tea set. She got it for HER wedding in 1939. My Mum now has it and has never used it so we decided today was a good time to dust it off!

Isn't it beautiful, real 1930s shape but still pretty and dainty. It is a tiny bit stained in places and a few of the cups have tiny cracks but otherwise it is amazing with the gold rims still all beautiful and shiny and over 70 years old....

My Victoria Sandwich, sitting on a plate from MY wedding dinner service which is Wedgewood with tiny forget-me-nots on and is called (appropriately) April Flowers!

And a final shot of the table with egg and cress sandwiches, cucumber sandwiches and a medley of cake items on my cake stand! Oh and we had Union Flag napkins and navy ones with crowns and tiaras on!
So a fantastic day to be British and I thoroughly enjoyed it. What an elegant dress she had and I wish them all the very best for their married life. I am lucky enough to have celebrated my 21st wedding anniversary just yesterday so I hope theirs will be as long and happy Now must go to watch the highlights.....