Saturday, 7 December 2013

Free Motion Embroidery Class

More about my free motion class that I hinted at last week.Burnice, Linda and I often spot Groupon offers for crafty events and like to try out different things, so when I spotted this class I knew it was one for us! We bought the tickets whilst Linda was in America, knowing she would love it too!
Sadly, when Burn tried to book a date for the three of us, she could only book a weekday and I had to work. So I was put on a reserve waiting list and just kept everything crossed that someone would drop out.
Luckily, someone did and I got a call from Sarah that I was in!

We started by drawing a square, a circle and a heart with our machines. It was like drawing with a pencil and not taking it off the paper but you have to turn it sideways and draw backwards so that the hoop and needle don't collide! It felt a bit like learning to reverse a car! Next we had to try drawing a leaf and a flower and have a go at colouring in. I really loved doing this once I got into the swing of it! Finally we had a go at making a cupcake, appliqueing the fabric on and drawing patterns on it to enhance the shape.

Now it was time to do our "final piece". I had no idea that we would have to come up with our own design so it took me a while to think of something! I started by attaching the bodice, then adding the skirt, with lots of wiggly lines along the hem to give the suggestion of petticoats. I am not the best at drawing so I cheated and made her arms go behind her back!

Next challenge was the neck and face! OMG sooooo tricky! The machine needs to go quite fast so you have to think quickly and go with it AND you are not always drawing with the fabric the right way round. I was quite pleased with her left shoulder but her right one looks a bit bulky! Then I shaped the face and hair, trying to draw it in the rough direction it might grow. Just a tiny squiggle for eyes and mouth, more to give a suggestion then accuracy.....looks better from a distance!

Finally her legs. She had rather thick ankles to start with but the beauty of this is that you can go over it again to get a better shape! So my little 1950s wife needed shoes; red of course to match her dress. Another few squiggles and she was done! I think I might add her a little white apron just to finish her off.
So a really fab class and another skill to practise. I am hoping this will enable me to move into free motion quilting.....but don't hold your breath!
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1 comment:

Burnice said...

She is amazing Tash. It was good fun wasn't it. Perhaps we could all have a session doing this in the cabin next year.
Burnice x