Some tough ones this week, so off we go!

First off is "Yellow". On my first day back at school my class teacher presented me with thie beautiful bunch of yellow flowers as a late Easter gift.
First off is "Yellow". On my first day back at school my class teacher presented me with thie beautiful bunch of yellow flowers as a late Easter gift.
"In the Sun"...Minnie was lying with her front end in a patch of afternoon sun in the doorway into the lounge. The dogs are only allowed into the lounge by invitation so she was gradually creeping in to be in the sun!
"Splash". I borrowed my friend's son for these shots! He loves to have a bath in the kitchen sink. Now I love the shot of his little hand in the water but...
"Something that made me laugh". Lots made me laugh this week, like a man whose umbrella blew inside out and a child saying "powl of borridge" instead of "bowl of porridge" but I couldn't get them into photos. So instead you get a v.v quick snap of my daughter Katy using my sewing machine. Now Katy is a very clever girl but she does not sew! She needed the machine for some school work so I had set it up on the slowest speed and she was managing fine until the bobbin ran out. I was in a rush so whooshed the speed to max to wind it quickly and then went back to what I was doing. She then used the machine, off it went at about 100mph and she was squealing and shrieking, trying to hold the fabric so it wouldn't run away and trying to find the button to stop the machine!! I guess you had to be there but we laughed til we cried!