Friday, 17 June 2011

Journal Week 24

Oh yes in time for once! This week was "pets, do you have any, what about your past pets and include some animal print". Hmmm think I might have missed a bit of that out as I can't see any animal print! Whoops! We have always had pets and in fact Mum and Dad bought us our first wallpaper which had animals all over it! It was called "Spot and Friends" and I really wanted to reproduce it as I remembered it using all the pets we have had over the years. I didn't search for the paper on the net til I had done it so it's not quite right but hey....we had the paper in 1973-77! And I just realised that my hen looks like she has a deformed bit hanging down!
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Donna said...

How cute!!!! I'm going to have my craft class keep an art journal. This would be a good theme!!!

Sid said...

Great page !!