Sunday, 17 March 2013

Photo a Day

I am still managing to remember to take a picture every day which is a miracle in itself! So here we are with another week.

March 8; I spent my evening running Katy to and from Lewes. She has orchestra practice and usually Ken and I share but he was working. This night the traffic was shocking.

This was Mother's Day March 10th but for some reason these two pics have swapped themselves around! Katy was leading East Sussex String Chamber Orchestra and I went to watch with my Mum and my Dad. It is the first time Dad has seen Katy play and he was very impressed!

March 9; Mum bought me these beautiful anemones. They are one of my favourite flowers but they don't normally last long as a cut flower. These are still going strong however and I love their jewel like colours.

March 11; Fast day and my breakfast was a boiled egg. Had to be a Welsummer one in my Emma Bridgewater egg cup! Just look at the colour of that shell!

March 12; We awoke to SNOW! And not just a little bit either! Enough for us to have a snow day, always a bonus but especially in MARCH!

March 13; most of the snow had gone apart from where it had been sheltered or drifted. As I went off to work I saw this poor little crocus. Having survived the hens it now had to deal with snow!

March 14; Fast day and my tea looked like that is lentils and yogurt with poppadoms. It tasted a whole lot nicer than it looked!

March 15; Red Nose Day and we had a Mad March Hair day at school. Been a long time since I wore pig-tails!
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Burnice said...

Great photos. I smiled at the last one cos I thought that head thingy was some sort of kinky contraption when I saw it on the dashboard of your car!!!!!
Well done Katy!

Linda said...

Another batch of great photos Tash! LOL at your red nose day headband:)