Sunday, 17 February 2013

A baking day

My hens are all a-laying like gooduns now! One of the "babies" that I got last August, (the very expensive pedigree Welsummers!) has finally started to lay and I was very excited to find a beautiful, chocolate brown egg nestling on a pile of fertiliser sacks in the garden.

What's a girl supposed to do with 25 eggs and 12 bananas? Bake of course....

Beat up those golden eggs with sugar and butter before adding mashed bananas, flour and spices.

Pop them in the oven...yes I am a messy baker...

20 minutes later, delicious, soft banana cupcakes.

Quickly beat up butter and icing sugar and cocoa powder... turn them into banana and chocolate cupcakes!

I then made a banana loaf but that just isn't so photogenic! If there's any left tomorrow I'll bring you one Burnice!!!
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Sid said...

Looks very tempting !!

Linda said...


Burnice said...

It was Sid.
It was Linda.
Bloomin' marvellous - both of them were!!!!
Burnice xxx