Monday, 10 October 2011

My Crafty Day at Gilly's!

I went to Gilly's on Saturday for a "scrapbooking" day. Hmm not a lot of scrapbooking got done. I have had a rubbish week and both are things completely out of my control. So first it was decreed that we needed Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, the Glamour selection of course, supplied by my glamourous friend Helly...

As the winner of the most rubbish week AND a Krispy Kreme virgin, I got the glittery one.... pretty! We then spent the day getting messy. We played with Sharon's meltpot, used shaving foam and Cosmic Shimmers, made paper roses and then Helly wanted a go with my gesso. Well it is a bit old my gesso, and a bit smelly so the oh-so-gorgeous-Helly soaked a tissue in geranium oil...

.....well what more can you say! Luv Ya Helly!!!

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Sid said...

Love thos Donuts !!

gillygilly said...

Nice one........................